Monday, October 31, 2011

2011/081) prove that cos(3π/14)sin(π/7)cos(π/14) + sin(π/14)cos(π/7)cos(3π/14) + sin(3π/14)sin(π/14)sin(π/7) = cos(π/7)sin(3π/14)cos(π/14)


cos(3π/14)sin(π/7)cos(π/14) + sin(π/14)cos(π/7)cos(3π/14) + sin(3π/14)sin(π/14)sin(π/7)
(knowing that sin (3π/14) is on the right so combine the terms not having sin(3π/14)
= cos(3π/14)[sin(π/7)cos(π/14) + sin(π/14)cos(π/7)] + sin(3π/14)sin(π/14)sin(π/7)
(using sin A cos B + cos A sin B = sn (A+B) in next line
= cos(3π/14)[sin(π/7+π/14] + sin(3π/14)sin(π/14)sin(π/7)
= cos(3π/14)sin(3π/14) + sin(3π/14)sin(π/14)sin(π/7)
= sin(3π/14)[ cos(3π/14) + sin(π/14)sin(π/7)]
= sin(3π/14)[ cos(π/7+π/14)+ sin(π/14)sin(π/7)] (as cos (A+B) shall cancel sin A sin B by contributing –ve of it)
= sin(3π/14)[ cos(π/7) cos (π/14) - sin(π/14)sin(π/7+ sin(π/14)sin(π/7)]
= cos(π/7)sin(3π/14)cos(π/14)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2011/080) prove that Tan 55 = tan35+ 2tan20

20 = 55 - 35

take tan of both sides

tan 20 = (tan 55 - tan 35)/(1+ tan 55 tan 35)

but as 55 + 35 = 90 so tan 35 = cot(90-35) = cot 55

so tan 20 = (tan 55 - tan 35)/(1+ tan 55 tan 35) = tan 20 = (tan 55 - tan 35)/(1+ tan 55 cot 55)
= (tan 55 - tan 35)/(1+ 1) = (tan 55 - tan 35)/2
or 2 tan 20 = tan 55 - tan 35

or tan 55 = tan 35 + 2 tan 20

2011/079) Find the limit. lim[x->179] (x-179) / [ √(x+17) - 14]

(x-179) / [ √(x+17) - 14] (of the form 0/0)
= (x-179) [ √(x+17) + 14]/( [ √(x+17) + 14] [ √(x+17) - 14] ) rationalizing denomenator
= (x-179) [ √(x+17) + 14]/(x^1+17-196)
= (x-179) [ √(x+17) + 14]/(x^1-179)
= [ √(x+17) + 14]
and putting x= 179 we get 14+14 = 28

2011/078) If x^2+y^2=1,then (4x^3-3x)^2+(3y-4y^3)^2=

This can be solved both algebraically and also using trigonometry.
Algebra method
We putting y ^2 = (-1x^2) that is converting to terms of x
x² * (4x² - 3)² + y² * (3 - 4y²)²
=x² * (4x² - 3)² + (1 - x²) * [3 - (4 - 4x²)]²
= x² * (4x² - 3)² - (x² - 1) * ( 4x² - 1)²
= x² * (4x² - 3)² - x² * ( 4x² - 1)² + ( 4x² - 1)²
= x² [ (4x² - 3)² - ( 4x² - 1)² ]+ ( 4x² - 1)²
= x² [ (4x² - 3 + 4x² - 1)(4x² - 3 - 4x² + 1) ] + ( 4x² - 1)²
= x² * (8x² - 4)(-2) + ( 4x² - 1)²
= -16x^4 + 8x² + 16x^4 - 8x² + 1
= 1
Now for trigonometric method
Given : x² + y² = 1
then x can be considered as sin θ and y as cos θ
{Since sin² θ + cos² θ = 1 }

Now, 4x³ - 3x = 4 sin³ θ - 3 sin θ = sin 3θ
and 3y - 4y³ = 3 cos θ - 4 cos³ θ = cos 3θ

=> (4x³ - 3x)² + (3y - 4y³)²
= sin² 3θ + cos² 3θ
= 1

Friday, October 21, 2011

2011/077) factor (x+y+z)^5 -x^5-y^5-z^5.?

factorization is base don understanding symmetric and finding some method based on it

we see that (x+y+z)^5 - x^5 - (y^5+z^5)

(x+y+z)^5 - x^5 is divisible by y+z and y^5+z^5 by y+ z

so it is divisible by (y+z)

hence it is divisible by (z+x) and (x+y) by symmetry so (x+y)(x+z)(y+z)

(x+y+z)^5- x^5-y^5-z^5

= x^5+ 5x^4(y+z) + 10 x^3(y+z)^2 + 10 x^2(y+z)^3 + 5x(y+z)^4+ (y+z)^5 - - x^ 5- y^5 - z^5
= 5x^4(y+z) + 10 x^3(y+z)^2 + 10 x^2(y+z)^3 + 5x(y+z)^4 + (y+z)^5- (y^5+z^5)

Now (y+z)^5 = y^5+ 5y^4z + 10 y^3z^2 + 10y^2z^3+5yz^4 + z^5

Hence (y+z)^5- y^5-z^5 = 5y^4z + 10 y^3z^2 + 10y^2z^3+5y^4

= 5y^4z + 5 zy^4 + 10 y^3z^2 + 10y^2z^3
= 5yz(y^3+z^3) + 10 y^2z^2(y+z)
= 5yz(y+z)(y^2-yz+z^3) + 10 y^2z^2(y+z)
= 5yz[(y+z)(y^2-yz+z^2) + 2yz)
= 5yz(y+z)(y^2+yz + z^2)

So 5x^4(y+z) + 10 x^3(y+z)^2 + 10 x^2(y+z)^3 + 5x(y+z)^4 + (y+z)^5- (y^5+z^5)
= 5x^4(y+z) + 10 x^3(y+z)^2 + 10 x^2(y+z)^3 + 5x(y+z)^4 + 5yz(y+z)(y+yz+z^2)
= 5(y+z) (x^4+ 2x^3(y+z) + 2x^2(y+z)^2 + x(y+z)^3 + yz(y^2+z^2+ yz))

Now we need to factor

(x^4+ 2x^3(y+z) + 2x^2(y+z)^2 + x(y+z)^3 + yz(y^2+z^2+yz) …1

This has a factor x + y and also x+ z so we have a factor (x^2+(y+z)x + yz) so let other factor be (x^2+ax+c)

(x^2+(y+z)x + yz) (x^2+ax+c)

= x^4 + x^3(a+y+z) + x^2(c+a(y+z)+ yz) + x(ayz+c(y+z)) + cyz) …2

Comparing coefficients from 1 and 2
From x^3
a= y+z,
from constant
c= y^2+z^2+yz

so coefficient of x^2 in 2nd expression that is (2) = c+ a(y+z) + yz
= (y^2+z^2 + yz + (y+z)^2 + yz)
= (y^2 + z^2 + 2yz) + (y+z)^2 = 2(y2+z)^2 matches in (1)
Coefficient of x (in 2)
= ayz + c(y+z)
= (y+z)yz + (y^2+z^2+yz) (y+z) = (y+z)^3

So the coefficient of x^2 and x match in 1 and 2 and hence the value is consistent

So we have
(x+y+z)^5 - x^5 - (y^5+z^5)
= 5(y+z) (x^4+ 2x^3(y+z) + 2x^2(y+z)^2 + x(y+z)^3 + yz(y^2+z^2+ yz))
= 5(y+z)(x+z)(x+y)(x^2+ yx + zx + y^2+z^2+ yz)

This is the complete factorization

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2011/076) Express (1-cot2010°)(1-cot1995°) as a single real number.

2010° = [(11) * (180) + 30]° and
1995° = [(11) * (180) + 15]°
= (1 - cot2010°) (1 - cot1995°)
= (1 - cot30°) (1 - cot15°)
= (1 - cot30° - cot15° + cot30° cot15°)
= (1 - (cot30° + cot15° - cot30° cot15°) ...1

now as 30° and 15° add to give 45°

and sum and product have come above let us see if we can get combination

45° = 30° + 15°

so cot 45° = cot(30°+15°) = (cot 30° cot 15° -1 )/(cot 30°+ cot 15°)
or 1 = (cot 30° cot 15° -1 )/(cot 30°+ cot 15°)

or (cot 30°+ cot 15°) = (cot 30° cot 15° -1 )
or (cot 30°+ cot 15°) - (cot 30° cot 15°) = - 1
from 1 and above we get sum as 1+ 1 = 2

Saturday, October 15, 2011

2011/075) 2+4+8+16+32+... equals -1

for a proof of it refer to

adding past infinity

of course it is not rue.

where is the fallacy

the problem is in the line

2+ 4 +8+ 16 ...
-1 -2 -4 -8 -16 + ...

if we realise that in the 1st line there is one extra term and that is not infinitesimal to be ignored( the sum diverges and does not converge we see that one term that should not be left out is ignored

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2011/074) If the ratio of GM and HM of 2 numbers is 5: 4 find the ratio of numbers?

without loss of generality let the numbers be a and at

as GM^2 = AM * HM
GM/HM = AM/GM = (a+at)/(2a sqrt(t)) = 5/4

so (1+t)/( 2sqrt(t) = 5/4 and putting sqrt(t) = x

(1+x^2) / (2x)= 5/4

or 4(1+x^2) = 10 x
o (4x^2-10x + 4) = 0 or (2(2x-1)(x-2) = 0 or x = 1/2 or 2 or t = 1/4 or 4

so ratio = 1 : 4 (or 4:1)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

2011/073) Solve the system of quadratic equations

5x^2 + 4xy + 5y^2 + 3x + 3y = 74
x^2 + 2xy + y^2 - 6x - 6y = -8

5x^2 + 4xy + 5y^2 + 3x + 3y = 74

the coefficent of x^ and y^2 are same and so is of x and y

so we combine accordingly

5(x+y)^2 - 6xy + 3(x+y) = 74 ... 1

from 2nd equation by same anology

(x+y)^2 - 6(x+y) = -8

putting x + y = t

t^2 - 6t +8 = 0 or (t-4)(t-2) = 0 so t = 4 or 2

5(x+y)^2 - 6xy + 3(x+y) = 74
80-6xy + 12 = 74
or 6xy = 18
or xy - 3

x+ y= 4 .. 2
xy = 3 ... 3

from 2 and 3 we get (x-y)^2 = (x+y)^2 - 4xy = 16-12 = 4 or x-y = 2 or -2

x+y = 4 and x- y = 2 give x = 3 y = 1
x+y = 4 x-y = -2 give x = 1 and y = 3

putting x+ y =2 in 1 we get
5(x+y)^2 - 6xy + 3(x+y) = 74
20 - 6xy + 6 = 74
6xy = 48
xy = -8

so x = 4 y = -2 or x= -2 y = 4 (we can clove by above method)

so we get
(1,3), (3,1)(4,-2),(-2,4) 4 set of solutions

2011/072) Prove that ( 1+ cos π/8)( 1+ cos 3π/8)( 1+ cos 5π/8)( 1+ cos 7π/8) =1/8?

(1 + cos π/8)(1 + cos 3π/8)(1 + cos 5π/8)(1 + cos 7π/8)
= (1 + cos π/8)(1 + cos 3π/8)(1 - cos 3π/8)(1 - cos π/8), since cos(π - t) = -cos t
= (1 - cos² π/8)(1 - cos² 3π/8)
= (1 - cos² π/8)(1 - sin² π/8), via cos(π/2 - t) = sin t
= (1 - cos² π/8)(1 - sin² π/8)
= sin ^2 π/8 cos ^2 π/8
= (1/4) (2 sin π/8 cos π/8)²
= (1/4) (sin 2π/8)², by double angle formula
= (1/4) (sin π/4)²
= (1/4) (1/√2)²
= (1/4)(1/2)
= 1/8.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

2011/071) Show that 2 tan 20˚ + 4 tan 40˚ + 8 tan 80˚ = 9 (cot 10˚ - tan 10˚)

we first prove one relationship
cot x - tan x = cos x/ sin x - sin x/ cos x = (cos^2 x - sin ^2 x) /( sinx cos x) = 2 cot 2x


cot x - tan x = 2 cot 2x ...1

tan x = cot x - 2 cot 2x ...2

from 2 we generate following 3 relationships

2 tan 20= 2 cot 20 - 4 cot 40 ... 3
4 tan 40 = 4 cot 40 - 8 cot 40... 4
8 tan 80 = 8 cot 80 - 16 cot 160... 5
adding we get
2 tan 20˚ + 4 tan 40˚ + 8 tan 80 = 2 cot 20 - 16 cot 160
= 2 cot 20 + 16 cot(180-160)as cot x = - cot(180-x)
= 2 cot 20 + 16 cot 20
= 18 cot 20
= 9( 2 cot 20)
= 9( cot 10 - tan 10)from 1

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

20111/070) If a+b+c=1, ab+bc+ca=2, abc=3, then find the value of 1/(a+bc)+1/(b+ca)+1/(c+ab).

we have
a+b+c=1 ...1
ab+bc+ca=2 .. 2
abc=3 ...3

so a b c are roots of equation

x^3-x^2 + 2x - 3 = 0


as a+ b+ c = 1

so a = 1- (b+c)
so a + bc = 1-(b+c) + bc = (1-b)(1-c)

similarly b+ ca = (1-c)(1-a)
c + ba = (1-b)(1-a)

we need to find 1/(a+bc)+1/(b+ca)+1/(c+ab) = 1/ ((1-b)(1-c)) + 1/ ((1-c)(1-a)) + 1/ ((1-b)(1-a))

= (1-a) + (1-b) + (1-c)/(1-a)(1-b)(1-c) = ((a-1) + (b-1) + (c-1))/(a-1)(b-1)(c-1)

so we need to form an equation whose roots are a-1 , b- 1 and c- 1

as a b and c are roots of f(x) = x^3-x^2 + 2x - 3

so a-1 b- 1 and c- 1 are roots of

f(x+1) = (x+1)^3 - (x+1)^2 + 2(x+1) - 3 = x^3 + 2 x^2 + 3x -1

so (a-1) + (b-1) + (c-1) = - 2

(a-1)(b-1)(c-1) = 1

so given expression = ((a-1) + (b-1) + (c-1))/((a-1)(b-1)(c-1)) = - 2