Sunday, December 16, 2012

Q2/127) If a, b, c are different and the equations ax+a^2y+(a^3+1)=0 bx+b^2y+(b^3+1)=0 cx+c^2y+(c^3+1)=0 are consistent, prove that abc+1=0...

Let us have a function f(t) = xt+yt^2+(t^3+1)
We have f(a) = 0 , f(b) = 0, f(c) = 0
And f(t) = t^3 + yt^2 + xt + 1 …1
So a,b, c are zeroes of f(t) which is a cubic polynomial
So f(t) = m(t-a)(t-b)(t-c) …2
Comparing coefficient of t^3 from (1) and (2) m = 1 
Now constant term = -mabc = 1 or –abc = 1 or abc + 1 = 0

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