Monday, June 6, 2022

2022/043) Sum of 13 numbers is 1000 what is the minimum LCM

The sum of 23 numbers is 1000 so the numbers can be 12 numbers 77 and 76, so the LCM>=77.

 the LCM is lower if 13th number is a factor of 12 numbers (which are same)

let us look at factors of 1000. and one factor is minumum 13.

we have 50 * 20. 7 numbers  can be 100 and 6 can be 50 giving LCM = 100

40 * 25, 12 numbers 80 and one number 40 giving LCM = 80

25 * 40 12 numbers can be 75 but 13th number is 100 LCM = 300

20 * 50  12 numbers 80 and one number 40 giving LCM = 80

So lowest LCM = 80 (12 numbers 80 and one number 40) 

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